How to Size Your RX Jump Rope
In this video, we explain how to measure your cable length, which cable weights are suitable for beginners to advanced athletes, as well as provide some troubleshooting advice.
- If you know which cable length & weight you need, jump to Step 2&3.
- If you are on the cusp of two cable weights, we recommend selecting the lighter cable.
- If you are between cable lengths, either length will be suitable.
- If your current cable length is shorter than the size chart, go with the shorter length.
Refer to the Sizing Principles, Technique Notes and Diagram below as well as our Educational Videos page if you have more questions on rope sizing.
Height cm/ft | Cable Length | Drag/Heavy
121 to 125cm / 3’11” to 4’1” | 7'0"
126 to 130cm / 4’1” to 4’3” | 7'2"
131 to 135cm / 4'3” to 4’5” | 7'4"
136 to 140cm / 4'5” to 4’7” | 7'6"
141 to 145cm / 4'7” to 4’9”| 7'8" | Small
146 to 150cm / 4’9” to 4'11" | 7'10" | Small
151 to 155cm / 4’11″ to 5'1" | 8'0" | Small
156 to 160cm / 5’1″ to 5'3" | 8'2" | Small
161 to 165cm / 5'3" to 5'5" | 8'4" | Medium
166 to 170cm / 5'5" to 5'7" | 8'6" | Medium
171 to 175cm / 5'7" to 5'9" | 8'8" | Medium
176 to 180cm / 5’9″ to 5'11" | 8'10" | Large
181 to 185cm / 5’11” to 6'1" | 9'0" | Large
186 to 190cm / 6'1" to 6’3″ | 9'2" | Large
191 to 195cm / 6’3″ to 6'5" | 9'4" | Large
196 to 200cm / 6’5″ to 6’7” | 9'6"
201 to 206cm / 6’7″ to 6’9” | 9'8"

Our heaviest standard cable weighing 96 grams (3.4 ounces) per 9-foot (2.74m) length (excluding handles). Our Dual Threat cable which provides tremendous feedback allowing the athlete to jump with a broader range of tempos from very slow to super-fast. Ideal for beginners to gain a better feel for timing while jumping at slower tempos. Also, a fantastic training cable for advanced jumpers looking for greater resistance and intensity in their training. This is the perfect cable weight for those wanting to do only do single unders, cross-overs etc.
Elite 2.6 Coated Cable – IDEAL FOR INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED. Recommended for jumpers who can already turn 50+ unbroken double unders (& single unders).
Our mid-range weighted cable weighing 74 grams (2.6 ounces) per 9-foot (2.74m) length (excluding handles). Our most all around utility cable offering a nice blend of light weight with increased feedback and response while its rigidity maintains a nice “horse shoe” shape while in motion.
Ultra 1.8 Coated Speed Cable – NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BEGINNERS. Recommended for advanced jumpers who can already turn 60+ unbroken double unders (& single unders).
Our second lightest cable weighing 51 grams (1.8 ounces) for a 9-foot (2.74m) length (excluding handles). The Ultra 1.8 is considered our “hybrid speed cable” due to its light nature while offering more feedback to the athlete. The increased resistance allows the athlete to turn the Ultra 1.8 cable at a slightly slower cycle rate than the Hyper 1.3 yet triple unders are still plentiful.
Hyper 1.3 Coated Speed cable – NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BEGINNERS. Recommended for advanced jumpers who can already turn 75+ unbroken double unders (& single unders).
Our lightest offering weighing only 37 grams (1.3 ounces) for a 9-foot (2.74m) length (excluding handles). Most comparable to traditional speed cables. This cable produces the fastest cycle rate therefor the athlete must be extremely proficient at double unders.
Speed Metal Uncoated Cable - NOT RECOMMENDED FOR BEGINNERS. Recommended for advanced jumpers who can already turn 75+ unbroken double unders or are working on triple unders.
Available only on EVO G2, GO & FRE Speed Rope. Aircraft grade cable without coating which is our lightest cable offering. Most comparable to traditional speed cables (comparable to Hyper). The uncoated wire provides a reduction in drag and cuts through the air with more ease.
Rx Jump Ropes use a progressive and scalable cable weight method which nurtures learning jump rope skills including double unders. We believe in the athlete using the RIGHT cable weight to encourage skill development over time, rather than offering ONE lightweight cable that forces the athlete to “keep up”, resulting in bad technique habits.
The Rx progressive cable weight method promotes learning double unders using marginally weighted cables which can be changed to lighter as skill level increases. Using slightly heavier cable allows better rope control, provides feedback into the handle and teaches the athlete the correct tempo & timing to produce consistent double unders. It also encourages learning double unders slowly, rather than forcing the athlete to learn at speed. Once these essential skills are learned, lighter cables can be introduced to further develop jump rope skills and promote larger sets.
Note; should you only want to do single unders, crossovers etc. any cable weight is suitable. For crossovers, add 2"-4" to the cable length or use your current cable length as a guide.

We follow two basic principles with regard to jump rope length; The first is “static” rope length. That’s the actual length of a rope not in motion. The second is “dynamic” rope length. That’s the rope in motion where the athlete’s mechanics can influence the effective length of the rope.
Our sizing chart will attempt to guide you to an ideal “static” rope length. This rope length is intended to fit a specific posture while jumping. That posture can be described as follows: Starting with your anchor point, which is your hand placement. Hands should be positioned at your midline axis and right at your frontal plane. Your hands can slide in or out along this axis depending on your shoulder’s external rotational flexibility.
Your elbows should be relaxed down by your side with your shoulders as disengaged as possible. Again, external rotational flexibility may dictate whether your elbows need to pull backwards in order to keep your hands from shifting forward of your frontal plane. Once we have your anchor point isolated at your midline axis, we then look for your jump rope to have an even turnover passing over head and in front of the toes with a minimum of 30cm/12″ clearance at both points.
If we’ve met all of those standards then we’ve placed the athlete in the best possible position to have balance and symmetry between their body and their rope. It will now only depend on the athlete’s efficiency of mechanics to dictate their “dynamic” rope length.
When viewing the sizing chart please locate your height while wearing your normal work out shoes. Then see the indicated rope length recommended for that height. That is the measurement you would select when purchasing your custom-made Rx Jump Rope.
Please note; the way which you hold the rope will have more of an impact on cable length than a 2″/5cm change in length. The size chart is a guide only. Where technique allows, we encourage all users to shorten their cable. If you have been using a cable shorter than the sizing chart recommendations, continue to use that cable length. A shorter cable will encourage tighter technique, less fatigue in the arms & shoulders as well as prolonging the life of your cable i.e. excess cable hitting the floor will wear your cable down. Aim for a brush of the cable under your feet rather than a strike. You want contact but not impact. If you are hearing a lot of cable hitting the floor, it is likely that your cable is too long.
Should you have any questions on optimal cable weight and length please get in contact here or call us on +61 2 9971 2098. We answer sizing questions regularly and are happy to help.